for film
Holistic, end-to-end sound
A holistic approach treats composed music, voice, FX and spatial design as equals in an integrated soundtrack. End-to-end sound encompasses the entire process from field, foley and dialogue recording, through composition and design, to premastering.
“The soundtrack is terrific.”
– Chris Marker, remarks on Faceless
Algo-Rhythm (Manu Luksch, 2019)
–> IMDb
Sound, music, lyrics
ZONTA Award, 65th Kurzfilmfest Oberhausen
2nd Prize, Globale Perspektiven 2020
Third Quarterly Report (Manu Luksch, 2019)
Quadraphonic sound design and mix
Kairos (Russell Maliphant, Warren Du Preez, Nick Thiornton Jones, 2016)
Dreams Rewired (Manu Luksch, Martin Reinhart, Thomas Tode, 2015)
–> IMDb
5.1 sound design, edit and rerecording
Core Collection, Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
Kama Sutra (BalletBoyz / Javier de Frutos / Paul Roberts / Fernanada Lippi, Sky Arts 2015)
Unknown Territories (Manu Luksch, 2014)
The Clinic (BalletBoyz, 2011)
Ten Thousand Waves (Isaac Julien, 2010)
–> IMDb (as Better Life)
Sound consultancy and multichannel sound design
Make it Snow! Make it Snow! Make it Snow! (Manu Luksch, 2008)
Faceless (Manu Luksch, 2007)
–> IMDb
5.1 sound composition
Collection Centre Georges Pompidou, BFI National Archive
Unknown White Male (Rupert Murray, 2005)
–> IMDb
Skin (Vena Ramphal / Vitafilms, 2004)
Virtual Borders (Manu Luksch, 2003)
–> IMDb
Sound design, edit, mix and mastering
Sympathetic Nervous System (Manu Luksch, 2001/09)